Hey You

Gina Mcduffie
2 min readJan 31, 2021

Well hey there you!!

Yes YOU!

What’s on my mind today?

Great question! The last year has been a rollercoaster for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. Losing work, homes, social lives, and so much more. It’s been stressful to say the least, I mean we are all on edge, ok? With the pandemic I have been through my share of jobs and up until recently i actually didn’t realise exactly how ridiculously unhappy i was!

I know what you’re thinking, happiness?

Really? Who’s happy about work?

But you should be. Your job should be something you enjoy getting up and going to. We’re taught to work, work, work if we want nice things, or to be able to take advantage of opportunities and vacations. However no one tells you what you’re giving up in your process of trying to obtain that happiness.

Time with your loved ones, cancelled plans again and again because you’re “soooo tired’ or you have to work bright and early. Now I’m not saying screw it yall, QUIT your job. What I am saying is it’s time to really evaluate how much of your time you’re dedicating to your job. Taking extra days, staying late, etc.

Your job will replace you, your family, friends, significant others………cant.

The road to greatness is hard, it’s tough, its BRUTAL ok? But it doesn’t have to be boring and unfulfilling too! I’ve been there, heck i am there right now. The pandemic has changed so many things for my life, my family’s life. It’s a process I never saw coming and I sure didn’t think we’d adapt. But here we all are, adapting. Wearing masks and social distancing, go ahead yall i see you!!!

Anyway now I am sitting on my couch with a teen and a tween and absolutely NO IDEA what to do next! I don’t know what I enjoy anymore. I’ve lost my sense of adventure and spontaneity. So now I find myself wanting to get back to what’s important. ME. During my process i want to share some of my best MOMents, wifely advice, or even my messy messy in betweens with you. In the hopes you can laugh, or cry, or learn from me and hey I’m sure you may have somethings i can learn from you too! Each day I’ll make a post to this page, some days may be longer than others. Some days I may ask what’s on your mind. So feel free to send me any feedback! This is a judgement free zone feel free to let loose, let go and just be YOU!



Gina Mcduffie

I am currently a stay at home mom. Recently I have discovered I really enjoy writing!